Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What a Freaky Thing This is...

...and by "Thing" I mean "THUNDERSTORM".

Richmond is pretty much the Scary-Ass Storm Capital of the east. At least, I think it might be. I haven't exactly spent a lot of time elsewhere. But we've gotta be in at least the top 5.

For someone who is not a fan of storms (read: cowers in the fetal position when they strike), this can be problematic. For example, one of my favorite things is outdoor theatre, whether viewing or performing. Here in good ol' rVA, shows can get rained out really easily. And scarily. Uncool.

So here's what I'm pleading with Zeus about lately: STOP IT. At least stop it whenever Richmond Shakes is doing a show. Okay? That would be great. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I love thunderstorms. Makes me very relaxed for some reason.
