Sunday, May 10, 2009


So THIS is what a blog looks like when you abandon it for almost a month. Interesting.

Well, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" closed its downtown run. It's going to be very strange, not hanging out in a church that is either frigid or steaming, running around barefoot, eating a lot of candy, and reciting lines along with the actors while hiding backstage with my fellow minion, Emily, and giggling nonstop about it all.

On the bright side, there is a tour date on Friday and we re-stage the show for the Agecroft run in July, so that will be nice.

I don't think I've ever loved a show more. This has been a joy every moment. I have met people who I know I will be friends with for a long time and who I have nothing but the greatest respect for both as actors and as human beings. I have met a certain fellow in particular who I happen to think is especially wonderful, and that would be my boyfriend, Adam, so that's another reason I'm especially fond of this show. Every day that I have worked on "Midsummer", I have laughed heartily, learned so much about myself as an actor, and grown to be so proud of everyone and all the amazing work they have put into this production.

Now I just have to figure out the rest of my life. Being unpaid for the duration of this show was something I thought I was prepared for going in, but when hours were cut at my day job and school began getting in the way (exams) and life in general got expensive, things got a little hairy. Well, a lot hairy. I have $0.03 in my bank account at the moment. That would be hilarious if I were joking or exaggerating, but I'm not. Thanks, Wachovia, for taking forever and a day to process my check. Appreciate it.

The good news is, I'm getting paid for some other work I did for Richmond Shakespeare that I didn't actually know I was getting paid for. Talk about pleasant surprises! I have no idea how much I'm getting, but anything would be very, very welcome at this point. And I have two weekends in a row lined up at the nursing home where I work part-time, so if I can get Ukrop's to put me on the schedule hardcore for at least the next couple of weeks, I just might be okay. Or at least almost.

Here's hoping.

Until then, I have a glass of wine, a good movie, and cute boy on the phone, so the good things in life are definitely outweighing the obnoxious ones.

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