Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So, Sometimes, Things Go Awry

Sometimes, there's a play you really want to do and you've been planning on doing all year and then April shows up and you realize, "hmm, maybe this isn't going to happen for me after all..."

Such is the situation with "The Compleat Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)".

For about a year now, the plan has been for me to act in this play, along with two other girls, in the role of Jessoline (I have named my character this because when you read the script, the "characters" are the playwrights' names, but when you actually act it, you use your own name. Hence, Jessoline for blogging purposes). However, as the AD for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Richmond Shakespeare, an employee of Ukrop's and Beaufont HealthCare, a full-time VCU student, a leader in VCU's Invisible Children chapter, and someone who also needs to eat and sleep and shower at least every now and again, the notion of taking on one more project is almost laughable.


It's been two years since I have acted and the itch is bad. I was really looking forward to "Compleat Works", but with "Midsummer" opening and school ending soon, there's no way we could do a play that requires such careful rehearsal in such a short amount of time. Le sigh.

Hopefully it works out, because I am so looking forward to the idea of an all-female version of this show, especially if I get to be in it. But worst case, it doesn't go forward, and I move on to the next project. Right?

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