Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Great Big Strawberry Mystery

Riddle me this: why, when I was in that half-sleeping, half-waking stage last night, did the phrase "Great big strawberry mystery" start repeating itself in my head?

There's no right answer. Perhaps it was my brain preparing for a good night's sleep so that my insane subconscious could have some fun. Perhaps it was my past life as a musician on LSD coming through. Perhaps I didn't hear my brain right and it was saying something else entirely.

Whatever it may be, I now know the title to the play I'm writing right now, so that's pretty cool.

"You know how a strawberry is either wonderful or terrible? How you see a big, perfect strawberry that is so dark it's almost black and you think it's going to be the most delicious thing you've ever eaten, but you bite it and it's mush? And then the very next strawberry you go to eat looks only all right, and it's the most beautiful taste you've ever tasted, almost so good that it hurts? And who can ever know how many seeds are on the outside of a strawberry? Or why they're on the outside? Strawberries are a mystery."
-Jorah, Great Big Strawberry Mystery

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